Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fright Night

I've never felt more like my mother than I did last night. I curled up in bed anticipating my next chapter in my recent book, and to my left on the night stand sat a perfectly poured glass of red wine. Now it's no secret that red wine and my mother are quite fond of one another, but it shocked me to my wits end as I took my first gulp of it. You see my mother does this thing when she drinks things, especially with wine. She takes a sip (extra-ordinarily loud mind you), and then she holds the liquid there for a good minute before she swallows it (again, extra-ordinarily loud). It drives me insane. I mean really, what do I care how long she holds her wine in her mouth? I have no idea, it just drives me nuts.

So I'm sitting there, about to indulge in a creepy book about a woman in a mental hospital (go figure eh?), and I realize that I've been holding the wine in my mouth for over a minute! I almost spit it out at the recognition of it, but my mother also told me never to waste wine. I swallowed it of course, savored it if you will. But the feeling was so bizarre and creepy, I sat there, back straight, for a good ten minutes trying to figure out how to defy all other inherit characteristics of becoming my mother. Nobody, and I don't care how wonderful a woman your mother is, nobody wants to become their mother. Bottom line.

Anywho, this brings me to my next random there is no point to this post, thought. This week is Halloween, and Friday we have some big event at school to put on for the kids. I absolutely love Halloween, but I hate dressing up. I like the pumpkins, the carving of the pumpkins, the scary stories and movies, the grave-yards, the haunted houses, the candy of course, I love it all. But I hate, hate, hate the amount of pressure there is to dress up and find a costume. We have to dress up at school "for the kids", which I'm reminded of daily. However, my kids are whimps. They're scared of Corduroy for pete's sake! I read them one of my all time favorite books as a child, Corduroy, and then had to spend the next week telling them that stuffed animals don't really come to life at night. Sweet Jesus that was a mistake.

I never realized how stressful Halloween was until I had to come up with costumes on my own. No wonder parents always hate Halloween. Lets face it, how many times has your mother thrown a sheet over you, wrapped an elastic around your neck and said, "Boo! You're a ghost." It's insanity. I ended up buying a kids pirate costume today, and hoping I can mangle it to fit me somehow without looking slutty.

I shouldn't complain really. I'm sure it'll be all fun and games when it's all said and done and Friday actually rolls around. The kids will be absurdly adorable in their costumes, and we'll play pin the tail on the black cat a million times. And maybe, just maybe, the mothers will send their kids to school with tons of candy for the teachers and I can self induce myself into a candy coma. Don't worry. I'll post pictures.

Happy Halloweenie everyone!


SammiRae said...

hahahahahahhahaa, YOU ARE YOUR MOTHER'S DAUGHTER.......dude, i'm going to be Ugly Better for Halloween this year, I CAN'T WAIT!!!

The Dreamer said...

Who is Ugly Better?! Haha. I kid I kid. Dude I've been begging you for YEARS to be Ugly Betty!!!!! Lol. Send me pics, I gotta see how it turned out. We need to talk soon about Xmas, and what's the haps with seeing each other mmmkkkaayy? Love you miss you.

Anonymous said...

You are scary, but if you want to be the scariest you can be, dress as your mother for Halloween.


Anonymous said...

You, my darling, will never become me in total - you have way too much of your father in you!! LOL! I wish you the best Halloween ever.......But do you know what the SCARIEST part is?

The next day is: MONDAY MORNING! aauuggghhhh!

"Time to get up in the morning, time to get up in the morning, time to get up.......etc. I will haunt you with this ditty forever. Love and kisses-