Monday, September 6, 2010

Insane in the Membrane

I've been neglecting my blog lately, and I'm not sure why. I think maybe nothing has seemed worth writing about, or that everything has changed so much in the last few weeks it has taken awhile to sort out in this crazy brain of mine. Either way, I'm writing now, so don't get your panties in a rut people.

I changed jobs, meaning I am now a teacher at an international school. No more riding the subway for an hour, walking 15 minutes in 100% humidity, or standing at the gate of the kindergarten for a half hour. No more 30 kid classrooms, no more 25 minute classes, and no more Jin Bae. While there are some things I miss about the kindergarten, I could not be happier to be teaching at this new school.

I am now teaching Pre-K with my own class of about 9 kids. The school is great. I have tons of resources, art materials, activities and even my own co-teacher. My co-teacher is Chinese, which still doesn't make sense to me...but hey, what does in this country?

The only things that could potentially make this job worse, are the fact that one of my kids is a closeted serial killer, and one should be in the looney bin. But that's neither here nor there as of right now. However stay tuned, because I'm taking notes, pictures, and soon video to prove these two urgent (and completely valid) statements.

The weather is starting to turn, thank god. I need some foliage in my life. I can't wait for fall, and even had a kick off to fall potluck over the weekend. It was really great. I had to explain what a potluck was to everyone who wasn't American for about 30 minutes, but finally people got the idea and came around. "What the fuck is a potluck ol' chap?"

I've been reading a lot, and currently indulging in In The Woods by Tana French. It's really good so far, kind of creepy and if you know me you know that I'm into creepy things. I once Googled 'how to cut of my own arm' for hours, you know, in case it came down to that. And then proceeded to try to do everything with my feet for days. It's actually fascinating if you think about it. I could definitely get on Oprah for that.

Anyway, there's no real point in my post except to let you know (I know there's only like 5 of you that actually read my blog, so thanks for that) that I'm still alive and kicking. I'll be writing more this month, as there's a lot on my mind. And people have been telling me I'm funny, which I've known all along, but am glad to see others are starting to figure it out too.

I'm leaving you with one of my top 5 favorite songs, just because it makes me happy.

1 comment:

lrosegrl said...

i read them and was getting thanks for the post. Skype date soon?