Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Twenty Five Things in 25 Years

~ A quarter of a century huh? Hot-damn that's old. I feel old. It's my birthday (well technically tomorrow the 29th is), and I feel old. I wish I could take about 14 years of my 25 years here on Earth, and have a re-do. BUT, I vow to make the next 25 nothing but phenomenal. Nevertheless, here are 25 things I've learned, thought, or wanted to share after living for twenty-five years! ~

1. Coffee is the best beverage next to peach iced tea.

2. You can't disguise the taste of mayonnaise. Trying to sneak flavors in like pesto or sun dried tomato doesn't work. It still tastes like mayonnaise, it still is mayonnaise, and it's still disgusting.

3. Living with boys isn't easier than living with girls like I had thought. It's definitely a lot more fun, but it's not easier.

4. Sometimes when people ask me how I am, I shouldn't take it so literally. Sometimes I should just say, "Good, how are you?".

5. The time I spent in Sevilla is virtually untouchable. It was that good.

6. You can't try to recreate something that was so good, it's nearly impossible.

7. I love a man with a beard.

8. No matter what, there are ALWAYS security cameras in the stairways of hotels. ALWAYS.

9. If I don't clean something during the day, I don't feel productive.

10. Big breasts are overrated.

11. Led Zeppelin is one of the best bands of all time.

12. Red lipstick is really hard to pull off.

13. People who don't put the effort in to keep in touch, don't deserve to be kept in touch with. So you have got to let them go.

14. I could eat sushi everyday and never get tired of it.

15. If I'm not reading a book, I feel like something is missing in my life.

16. Empathy is by far the best attribute a person can have. Use it wisely.

17. A girl should know how to walk in heels. And walk in them well.

18. Chivalry is not dead.

19. Pro-choice doesn't mean pro-abortion. Most women should be on birth control and take responsibility for their own actions.

20. If I'm ever mad at you, all you have to do is hug me.

21. "Sometimes people seem rad for a really long time. And then they aren't." Direct quote from Jonathan Lapham. Love that kid.

22. Dancing makes life better.

23.  I really want to own an old mom and pop bakery one day. And become a professional cake decorator.

24. When I'm a little tipsy, I apparently speak fluent Spanish. I can still hang when I'm sober though. :)

25. Sometimes things aren't what they seem, sometimes people aren't who they seem. Sometimes you can spend years loving someone and then suddenly stop. Sometimes when you stop loving someone you find yourself again, you realize maybe you never really loved them.

  --> In this I have learned that I like the person I am. I will no longer put my dreams aside for someone else's. I will no longer act the way someone wants me to act. I will no longer apologize for being emotional. I will no longer change the person I am, what I look like, or how I feel to better suit someone's life. I have learned that after 25 years of living, I will become who I want to be. And today I am who I want to be.

Cheers to the next 25!


SammiRae said...

hey lady...you're old!!! jk, but i just wanted to say thanks for coming out to visit, i really needed that, and i hope you actually got to enjoy yourself. love you dude, take care of yourself and have fun!

The Dreamer said...

Of course I enjoyed myself! I might be an old granny these days, but it was wonderful to just relax and catch up. Da islands will always hold a big part of my heart...and so do you! Love you woman! Come to KOREA!

TomTom said...

Hey, I hope the flight home went well and you didn't get stuck next to a fat person. I mean "horizontally challenged"...I don't want to be politically incorrect. You must be getting really anxious right about now, since you could be leaving momentarily. Do you know when you fly out anyways? I hope all is well.


TomTom said...

Oh and I almost forgot. About your top 25 list...I personally think that "Eating Acai with Tom is better than traveling to exotic countries." should be at least number 2.