Sunday, January 24, 2010

Music Love Across the Universe

One of the best things about traveling or just having the desire to learn about other cultures all over the world, is discovering new music. I wouldn't be able to live without music, without my ipod, or without YouTube. I believe everything in my past can be summed up by one song at any given time, and memories often stem from a certain song or a certain feeling you get when you hear a song again.

Hearing new local music while traveling, or just stumbling upon new music online gives me such an appreciation and yearning to keep traveling. When I lived in Spain I grew so attached to the sounds of Flamenco on guitar, the memories that come flooding in from hearing Flamenco are almost too much to handle. Often times I learn about artists from other people whose suggestions quite often turn to obsessions. Everyone can attest to loving The Streets from the UK at one point, I've recently been extremely fond of Lykke Li an indie artist from Sweden.

However living on Oahu for 4 years brings so many different emotions musically. It's where my love of Reggae grew, and experiencing the local island music brings a smile to my face instantly. If you know me, you know how much I enjoy listening, dancing, and singing to Reggae. You can't not have a good time at a Reggae show...and if you can't, then you're just opposed to having fun!

Which brings me to my next love affair with a 19 year old girl from Belgium named Selah Sue. Her voice, her energy and style make her so unique, I just think she's amazing. I cannot wait to see what the world will open my music eyes to when I'm on the road again. I don't know if love makes the world go 'round no more ya'll...I'm thinkin' music does.

Check her out - Selah Sue


Tom Tom said...

I agree with you on how music resonates with you after you travel, and that it is a key component to the culture you are visiting. But I am glad I never visited Belgium, haha.

The Dreamer said...

Tom Tom! Why don't you like Belgium???? How do you KNOW if you've never been there? Huh?!

Well you might have to skip that part of the world when you join me on my world adventure. Or maybe you can convince me otherwise. Whatcha got?

P.S- leave some music advice since we have similar tastes!