Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day One- of the rest of my life

So, I'm fairly new to all this blogging hoopla, but I'm hoping by jumping on the band wagon of blogging will help me rediscover how amazing the world is. I have moved back home for a little while to "find myself" if you will. The life I thought I was going to have, the person I thought it was going to be no longer. Everyone has experienced this kind of bump in the road, this kind of complete and utter heart break, this kind of devastating loss. But my question is, how do we go on from this? How do we keep going when it seems there is nothing on the horizon?

It is easy to say, 'find yourself', 'find a passion', now it is time to find what makes you happy. But what if the answer to that question is I DON'T HAVE A CLUE! Is the rest of my life going to be a series of these wonderful moments that eventually come to an extreme halt, and have to rebuild time and time again? Is it worth it?

So I've decided today will be the first day of the rest of my life. I hope that with this blog I can revisit this time in my life where I thought that I could not go on. A month, 6 months, a year from now I can look back at where I was and appreciate where I'm going. I hope and dream that I can make it out of this hole, that my life can be recounted with the people I encounter on here, and the personal progress I've made by inviting the world to share our dreams.

The one thing I love about life is how there always seems to be a perfect song to represent exactly what you're going through. As raw and bitter as this song is, no matter how sad or hopeless it is, it's how I feel. And I will embrace it. I will accept it.

'Love Will Tear Us Apart'/Susanna and The Magical Orchestra

1 comment:

Unknown said...

it's music for me too,
only, it's music and smell.
Nothing beats the moment you catch that familiar smell, in that perfect moment, in the perfect place and you stop,
and everything that's good from the then, is remembered now.

Life may be a cylce of these things, a compilation of memories and moments.
And true, they may all be doomed to come to an end.

But when you give up being a dreamer to settle for what makes you 'happy' now, that's when you stop creating the memories that make you sad in the future...the memories you hold on to when you're life is finally over.

Life is amazing. The downs give us time to reflect on the past, and gives us heart to make a future.

I liked your wording much better, you really are quite good at expressing how I feel lol.