Friday, December 4, 2009

TEFL or not to TEFL?

This question has haunted me since the beginning of my college career, when the first little thoughts flickered into my brain about teaching English abroad. Oh the in-experience of Americans wanting to run away to frolic in foreign lands. (Yes I did just say frolic).

Despite the verdict heard 'round the world, and the fear the Amanda Knox trial might instill in some American travelers, I'm still puttin' on my hiking boots and headin' out East. East Asia that is.

I've been gathering all documents possible in order to live, work, and travel in South Korea and other parts of Asia for the past two months. But along the way I have been getting little snip-its here and there from people saying I should really obtain a TEFL Online Certificate before I go over to Korea. With a certificate it is said that I will be offered more positions, a higher pay and be better off prepared to teach English. The appeal to teach in Asia for Americans is extremely high, and that I believe is for one reason. You don't have to have experience to teach! But times are becoming harder, and things for Americans might not be as easy as they once were to jet-set over to Asia for a year or two.

However now I am faced with this challenge. Do I take the TEFL Online course before I go over, do I take it and complete it while I'm over, or do I just take my chances and hope to find a job without the certificate? My main problem with taking the 100 hour online course, is that it costs money. Money that I don't have right now as I am saving every penny to pay for the amazingness that will be Asia.

I'm also hoping that in a few years time I will return to my love affair with Spain, and hopefully find a teaching position in southern Spain. And alas, just my luck, teaching in Europe is a whole other ballpark than teaching in Asia. They are actually quite competitive, they require a course, a certificate, ample amounts of teaching experience, AND they're not too keen on hiring Americans. Getting a visa to work in Europe is like getting my mother to admit when she's wrong. It just ain't gonna happen.

So do I fork up the cash, sacrifice the time, complete the course and hope that it significantly helps my job opportunities in Korea? Or do I put another coin in the slot machine and risk it?



Carrie said...

Kate?!! Hey it's Carrie! I was doing a random search to see if I could find you and I did. I am so sorry I lost touch with you. Our life has been nuts as I know yours has as well. I can't believe you are going to Asia. You are amazing!!! Please keep me posted on your travels. I am contemplating a journey to either India, Nepal, Thailand, or Cambodia for the summer so it will be empowering to hear about your journeys! I do miss your spirit and would love to catch up! P.S. you need to totally visit New Zealand while you are on that end of the world--AMAZING!

The Dreamer said...

Carrie?! Hey!!! I'm so glad you commented. I've tried to get in touch with you too. Is your email still the same? I'd like to email you.